Request a refund, replacement or repair for faulty goods

You can use this letter to complain about the poor quality of something you've bought. If you bought the item after 1 October 2015, you can use this letter to demand a refund if you ask for it within 30 days and can prove there is a fault. After that, you can use it to ask for a refund or replacement up until 6 months after purchase.

This letter is suitable for requests in relation to goods, but not services. You can also use it in relation to digital content (e.g. a digital movie file), but only to ask for a repair or replacement (not a refund) and only if you bought it after 1 October 2015.

Note that if you bought remotely (e.g. via the internet or a catalogue) and fewer than 14 days have passed since you received the item, you have an automatic right to a refund. If this applies to you, don't use this letter.

This letter is only suitable for consumers (not businesses) making purchases from sellers based in the UK.

£12.00 incl. VAT

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